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Author: Milena

  • Incomplete list of instrumentally performed Renaissance music recordings

    I’m very interested in instrumentally performed Renaissance music, and I very much enjoy listening to it. But it’s not that easy to find recordings of that musical era without singers. (This is not really true, as there is a vast amount of solo lute/organ/harpsichord recordings. Which is why they are being omitted, sorry!) So, here…

  • Training like a Renaissance musician would do it Part I — The Beginning

    In February/March 2021 I took an online course on Solmization, modes and psalmody, led by Isaac Alonso de Molina and organized by Escuela de Polifonía Opera Omnia. It was great! I participated because I had learned before what solmization is but not to actually do it. Studying at the conservatory I was really busy playing…

  • The Imperfect Pearl — Photos

  • The Imperfect Pearl — a new project

    I’m very happy to present a new project: The Imperfect Pearl. Next to Isidro Albarreal (baroque violin), Inés Salinas (viola da gamba) and Gabriele Levi, (harpsichord) I founded a new Early Music Ensemble focussed on baroque music of the 18th and 17th century. Have a listen: [divider] [two_columns_one] [/two_columns_one] [two_columns_one_last] [/two_columns_one_last] [divider] What is it…

  • 1st Price — International Early Music Competition Gijón with Vox Tremula

    On the 11.06.2018 we won the first prize at the International Early Music Competition Gijón with my recorder consort Vox Tremula. Though it is not very obviuos to compete in music, we decided to participate, hoping for it to give us some more visibility and concert programmers trust 😉

  • Musick’s Recreation at Fora do Lugar — Festival Internacional de Músicas Antigas 2017

    Photo credits: Filipe Faria/Arte das Musas 2017 Milena Cord-to-Krax | recorder Alexander Nicholls | baroque cello César Queruz | theorbo Last November 25th we premiered our new program on 17th c. Italian music at Fora do Lugar — Festival Internacional de Músicas Antigas in Portugal. Thanks so much to the wonderful team and audience, we…

  • Historically Informed Creativity — subcategory to HIP

    I‘d like to introduce a subcategory to Historically Informed Perfomance Practice (HIP): Historically Informed Creativity (HIC). The creative aspects for musicians from the early music epochs (Middle ages, Renaissance, Baroque) included improvising, diminuting, ornamenting, arranging and composing. Studying the mentioned parts of music making from the original treatises, and thus obtaining knowledge on style, harmony–…

  • I want to play!

    I don’t live in the right place (Seville, in the very south of Spain), I know that, but where should I go? There are many very good early music professionals in Seville, but I’m missing professional players my age who want to play, play and play! Who want to rehearse for the sake of playing,…

  • Music scores to The Begger Boy — 9 variations by M. Cord-to-Krax

    I found the pretty melody of The Begger Boy in John Playford’s The Dancing Master (1651). It is a very short melody and dancers and musicians would have gone crazy if they played it the same way round and round. Here must have come into play variations/improvisations — for sure. So I decided to convert…

  • Why did I publish my recording online with a CC license? Copyright vs Copyleft!

    When a recording gets published by a a record label, they reserve all the rights on that recording — to them. In most of the cases you got to pay for the recording (a lot), you studied, practiced and rehearsed the music, it was your idea, your project. Then you probably have to buy the…