I’m very interested in instrumentally performed Renaissance music, and I very much enjoy listening to it. But it’s not that easy to find recordings of that musical era without singers. (This is not really true, as there is a vast amount of solo lute/organ/harpsichord recordings. Which is why they are being omitted, sorry!) So, here you find this incomplete list (work in progress) of instrumentally performed Renaissance music recordings. I only include albums that are dedicated to Renaissance music exclusively.
Please let me know of the recordings that are not yet on the list, in the comment section below. I’ll be very happy to get to know them and add them to the list! 🙂
The list is sorted after the type of instrumentation and inside that, alphabetically. Album titles are linked to Spotify.
[lightgrey_box]Varied Instruments
- Bruce Dickey: La Bella Minuta — Florid songs for cornetto around 1600 (2012)
- Capella de Ministrers: La Spagna — Danzas del Renacimiento español (2007)
- Ensemble Accentus: Antonio de Cabezón — Tientos y Glosados (2001)
- Ensemble La Danserye: Yo te quiere matare — Ministriles en Granada en el s. XVI (2014)
- Jordi Savall & Andrew Lawrence-King: Lluis del Milà — Fantasies, Pavanes & Gallardes (1994)
- Jordi Savall, Hespèrion XX: Elizabethan Consort Music 1558-1603 (1998)
- La Caccia: Clemens non Papa — Priest and Bon Vivant (2006)
- La Caccia: Thomas Morley — The First Book of Consort Lessons (2007)
- Le Concert Brisé, William Dongois: La Barca d’Amore — Cornett music of the 16th century (1997)
- La Guilde des Mercenaires: Giovanni Bassano — Ricercare per strumenti insieme (2015)
- New London Consort: Tielman Susato — Dansereye 1551 (1993)
- Pierre Boragno, Marianne Muller, Massimo Moscardo, François Saint-Yves: Sylvestro Ganassi — Io amai sempre (2008)
- The Harp Consort: El Arte de Fantasía — Luis Venegas de Henestrosa (2005)
- The Kings Noyse & Paul O’Dette: Holborne — My Selfe (1999)
Recorder Consort
- Amsterdam Loeki Stardust Quartet: La Spagna — Music at the Spanish Court (1996)
- Amsterdam Loeki Stardust Quartet: A Concorde of Sweete Sound — English Renaissance Music (1993)
- B-Five Recorder Consort: Money powers music — Music for the Fugger family (2011)
- Bassano Quartet: Torres del Alma — Highlights of the Spanish Consort Music (2011)
- Harmonia Recorder Ensemble: Renaissance Consort Music Vol. 1 (2018)
- Harmonia Recorder Ensemble: Renaissance Consort Music Vol. 2 (2018)
- Seldom Sene: El aire se serena — Music from the Courts and Cathedrals from 16th Century Spain (2016)
- The Royal Wind Music: Angeli, Zingare & Pastori — Renaissance Music from Naples, Venice and Rome (2013)
Viol Consort
- Fretwork: In Nomine — 16th c. Music for viols (2011)
- Fretwork: William Byrd — The complete consort music (2003)
- Fretwork: Ottaviano dei Petrucci — Harmonice Musices Odhecaton (2001)
- Jordi Savall: Christopher Tye — Laudes Deo, Consort Musicke (1988)
- Jordi Savall: Eustache du Caurroy — XXII Fantasies (1982)
- Jordi Savall: John Coprario— Consort Musicke (1979)
- L’Achéron: Orlando Gibbons — Fancies for the viols (2017)
- L’Achéron: Anthony Holborne — The Fruit of Love (2014)
- Linarol Consort: La La Hö Hö — 16th century Viol Music for the Richest Man in the World (2021)
Lute Duos
- Karl-Ernst Schröder & Crawford Young: Amours, amours, amours — Lute Duos around 1500 (2001)
- Marc Lewon & Paul Kieffer: Two lutes with grace — Plectrum Lute Duos of the Late 15th Century (2020) [includes a bit of singing]
- Ronn McFarlane & William Simms: Two Lutes — Lute Duets from England’s Golden Age (2012)
Solo Viol or Viol & Organ/Harpsichord/Plucked Strings
- Bettina Hoffmann: S. Ganassi – D. Ortiz: Opere complete per Viola da Gamba (2013) [2 tracks include singers]
- Fernando Marín: The Art of Vihuela de Arco — Cabezón, Ganassi, Ortiz (2017)
- Hille Perl: Doulce Memoire — Glosas, Passegiati & Diminutions around 1600 (1999)
- Jordi Savall: Diego Ortiz — Recercadas (1989)
Solo Harp
- Véronique Musson-Gonneaud: Cabezón — Pour un plaisir (2012)