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Tag: Early music

  • Concert in San Roque – 09/04/15

    Next week, 09/04/15, I’m going to play a duo concert with Alejandro Casal (organ) in a village in Southern Spain –San Roque– next to Gibraltar. I am very happy about the program, since this music is one of my favorites and quite rarely chosen by programmers: 16th century diminutions on madrigals. Next to diminutions by…

  • Recorder photo shooting 10-01-15

    I had to take some photos of the baroque alto recorder I’m selling, which was fun, so I went on with a renaissance recorder by Bob Marvin and it ended up being a little photo session. The quality may not be the best, I took the photos with a mobile phone 🙁 The photos of…

  • Telemann’s Fantasia Nº 10 – 1st movement

    ☞ Milena Cord-to-Krax, recorder I home-recorded this movement because I have to sell the recorder I’m playing in the audio. Later I thought that it was actually kind of nice (except for a few little things 😉 ) and that the photos I took were also not too bad, so… I shared it. ♪

  • Videos: recital 2013-2014

    Here are three videos of my final recital of the academic year 2013-2014 recorded on June 12, 2014 at Sevilla’s Conservatorio Superior. Beautiful 16th century diminutions: C. de Rore & R. Rogniono — Anchor che col partire Milena Cord-to-Krax, recorder (☞ Ganassi Tenor by Monika Musch) Alejandro Casal, organ This diminution is from Riccardo Rogniono’s…

  • Today’s listening: Ecos Fidelles – Wilbert Hazelzet

    Ecos Fidelles – Pieces pour la flute traversiere par M. Hotteterre (Glossa, 1996) Wilbert Hazelzet, traverso Konrad Junghänel, theorbo | Jaap ter Linden, viola da gamba | Jaques Ogg, harpsichord Quick context: Where? – Early 18th c. France Who? – Jacques Hotteterre (1673-1763): wind instrumentalist and composer, ordinaire de la chambre du roy What? Preludes,…

  • Early music printing

    The other day I found this interesting video on early music printing in Luís Henriques Vimeo channel. Now I love the Finale program even more 😉 – what an effort it was back then! [Oh, and you will have to excuse that old school recorder playing at the beginning of the video.] Enjoy: Early music…

  • New music scores — April 2013

    I just uploaded a new selection of early music transcriptions to my Music Scores page — four excellent pieces from different epochs: The earliest one is a polyphonic piece by Juan de Triana titled De mi perdida esperança from the Spanish manuscript Cancionero de la Colombina (possibly copied between 1460 and 1480). Lyrics only appear…

  • Pulchra es amica mea — A video from last Friday’s student concert

    Last Friday we had our monthly recorder students’ concert at Seville’s Conservatory, whose topic was, this time, 16th century music. I played some beautiful diminutions by the always inventive F. Rognoni on G.P. da Palestrina‘s motet Pulchra es amica mea. The recorder I used is probably my favorite one: a renaissance tenor by recorder maker…

  • Recorder makers at work

    — Anonymous

  • Free music scores — January 2013

    I’m transcribing early music pieces from the (sometimes) difficult to read original facsimiles into modern notation scores. It’s a work I find really interesting and highly satisfactory, for I get to know music that is rarely played and it helps me absorbing the musical styles — I’m still (and always will be) a student. So……