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Author: Milena

  • The story of my Bob Marvin G basset

    I fell in love with this flute the first moment I saw and tried it: the G basset from Bob Marvin’s 8′ consort. Since it’s one note higher than the more common F basset, it is a bit smaller and far more agile. Its sound is beautiful: rich imposing low notes and high notes that…

  • Recorder recital 12-06-13

  • Schopenhauer on music

    ‘Music does not express this or that particular and definite pleasure, this or that affliction, pain, sorrow, horror, gaiety, merriment, or peace of mind, but joy, pain, sorrow, horror, gaiety, merriment, peace of mind themselves, to a certain extent in the abstract, their essential nature, without any accessories, and therefore without the motives for them.’…

  • An old woman playing a flute

    [divider] She is so beautiful! I want to get a print of this painting, where can I find it?

  • New music scores — April 2013

    I just uploaded a new selection of early music transcriptions to my Music Scores page — four excellent pieces from different epochs: The earliest one is a polyphonic piece by Juan de Triana titled De mi perdida esperança from the Spanish manuscript Cancionero de la Colombina (possibly copied between 1460 and 1480). Lyrics only appear…

  • Pulchra es amica mea — A video from last Friday’s student concert

    Last Friday we had our monthly recorder students’ concert at Seville’s Conservatory, whose topic was, this time, 16th century music. I played some beautiful diminutions by the always inventive F. Rognoni on G.P. da Palestrina‘s motet Pulchra es amica mea. The recorder I used is probably my favorite one: a renaissance tenor by recorder maker…

  • Recorder makers at work

    — Anonymous

  • Free music scores — January 2013

    I’m transcribing early music pieces from the (sometimes) difficult to read original facsimiles into modern notation scores. It’s a work I find really interesting and highly satisfactory, for I get to know music that is rarely played and it helps me absorbing the musical styles — I’m still (and always will be) a student. So……

  • Nicholas Udall (1505-1556)

    ‘… and thinke it not a smalle thinge to have lerned to playe on the pype or the recorder.’ — Nicholas Udall (1505-1556)

  • Nobody tells beginners…

    Ira Glass on Storytelling from David Shiyang Liu on Vimeo.