Incomplete list of instrumentally performed Renaissance music recordings
I’m very interested in instrumentally performed Renaissance music, and I very much enjoy listening to it. But it’s not that easy to find recordings of that musical era without singers. (This is not really true, as there is a vast amount of solo lute/organ/harpsichord recordings. Which is why they are being omitted, sorry!) So, here…
Diminutions on Io son ferito ahi lasso — A video from 06-02-15
G.P. da Palestrina & G.B. Bovicelli — Io son ferito ahi lasso Milena Cord-to-Krax, recorder | Alejandro Casal, harpsichord Last Friday I played these diminutions from Bovicelli’s treatise Regole, passaggi di musica, madrigali et motetti passeggiati (Venice, 1594). Bovicelli himself was a singer, but they work just as fine as an instrumental version, I think.…