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Tag: Diminutions

  • Historically Informed Creativity — subcategory to HIP

    I‘d like to introduce a subcategory to Historically Informed Perfomance Practice (HIP): Historically Informed Creativity (HIC). The creative aspects for musicians from the early music epochs (Middle ages, Renaissance, Baroque) included improvising, diminuting, ornamenting, arranging and composing. Studying the mentioned parts of music making from the original treatises, and thus obtaining knowledge on style, harmony–…

  • Three videos from 29-05-15

    François Couperin (1668-1733) — Concert Royal no. 4 Milena Cord-to-Krax, recorder | Ventura Rico, viola da gamba | Alejandro Casal, harpsichord ☞ Voiceflute by Ernst Meyer ❧ Johannes Ciconia (ca. 1370-1412) — Aler m’en veus Milena Cord-to-Krax & Vicente Parrilla, recorders ☞ Renaissance tenor recorders by Bob Marvin ❧ G.P. da Palestrina & G.B. Bovicelli…

  • Concert in San Roque – 09/04/15

    Next week, 09/04/15, I’m going to play a duo concert with Alejandro Casal (organ) in a village in Southern Spain –San Roque– next to Gibraltar. I am very happy about the program, since this music is one of my favorites and quite rarely chosen by programmers: 16th century diminutions on madrigals. Next to diminutions by…

  • Diminutions on Io son ferito ahi lasso — A video from 06-02-15

    G.P. da Palestrina & G.B. Bovicelli — Io son ferito ahi lasso Milena Cord-to-Krax, recorder | Alejandro Casal, harpsichord Last Friday I played these diminutions from Bovicelli’s treatise Regole, passaggi di musica, madrigali et motetti passeggiati (Venice, 1594). Bovicelli himself was a singer, but they work just as fine as an instrumental version, I think.…

  • Pulchra es amica mea — A video from last Friday’s student concert

    Last Friday we had our monthly recorder students’ concert at Seville’s Conservatory, whose topic was, this time, 16th century music. I played some beautiful diminutions by the always inventive F. Rognoni on G.P. da Palestrina‘s motet Pulchra es amica mea. The recorder I used is probably my favorite one: a renaissance tenor by recorder maker…