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Author: Milena

  • Alto recorder for sale

    Update: Recorder sold! Have a listen: [divider] [two_columns_one] Dear recorder players, I’m selling a baroque alto recorder, made in boxwood, 415 Hz (after Denner) by Joachim Rohmer for 1100€. I bought the instrument in 2011 at the ERTA ibérica recorder exposition in Madrid. Of all recorders from the Rohmer Recorders workshop I loved this one…

  • C.P.E. Bach on ornamentation

    “It is not likely that anybody could question the necessity of ornaments. They are found everywhere in music, and are not only useful, but indispensable. They connect the notes; they give them life. They emphasise them, and besides giving accent and meaning they render them grateful; they illustrate the sentiments, be they sad or merry,…

  • Diminutions on Io son ferito ahi lasso — A video from 06-02-15

    G.P. da Palestrina & G.B. Bovicelli — Io son ferito ahi lasso Milena Cord-to-Krax, recorder | Alejandro Casal, harpsichord Last Friday I played these diminutions from Bovicelli’s treatise Regole, passaggi di musica, madrigali et motetti passeggiati (Venice, 1594). Bovicelli himself was a singer, but they work just as fine as an instrumental version, I think.…

  • Recorder photo shooting 10-01-15

    I had to take some photos of the baroque alto recorder I’m selling, which was fun, so I went on with a renaissance recorder by Bob Marvin and it ended up being a little photo session. The quality may not be the best, I took the photos with a mobile phone 🙁 The photos of…

  • Telemann’s Fantasia Nº 10 – 1st movement

    ☞ Milena Cord-to-Krax, recorder I home-recorded this movement because I have to sell the recorder I’m playing in the audio. Later I thought that it was actually kind of nice (except for a few little things 😉 ) and that the photos I took were also not too bad, so… I shared it. ♪

  • Videos: recital 2013-2014

    Here are three videos of my final recital of the academic year 2013-2014 recorded on June 12, 2014 at Sevilla’s Conservatorio Superior. Beautiful 16th century diminutions: C. de Rore & R. Rogniono — Anchor che col partire Milena Cord-to-Krax, recorder (☞ Ganassi Tenor by Monika Musch) Alejandro Casal, organ This diminution is from Riccardo Rogniono’s…

  • Today’s listening: Ecos Fidelles – Wilbert Hazelzet

    Ecos Fidelles – Pieces pour la flute traversiere par M. Hotteterre (Glossa, 1996) Wilbert Hazelzet, traverso Konrad Junghänel, theorbo | Jaap ter Linden, viola da gamba | Jaques Ogg, harpsichord Quick context: Where? – Early 18th c. France Who? – Jacques Hotteterre (1673-1763): wind instrumentalist and composer, ordinaire de la chambre du roy What? Preludes,…

  • Early music printing

    The other day I found this interesting video on early music printing in Luís Henriques Vimeo channel. Now I love the Finale program even more 😉 – what an effort it was back then! [Oh, and you will have to excuse that old school recorder playing at the beginning of the video.] Enjoy: Early music…

  • Glosas on O felici occhi miei — A video from last February’s students concert

    J. Arcadelt & D. Ortiz & M. Cord-to-Krax — Recercada II, Diferentia & Recercada III after O felici occhi miei Milena Cord-to-Krax, recorder; Alejandro Casal, harpsichord Last February’s student concert at Seville’s Conservatory was on the topic of 16th century music. I played three different versions of J. Arcadelt’s madrigal O felici occhi miei: the…

  • Bruce Haynes on HIP

    ‘The harder we work to imitate the past, the more personal and contemporary the results will be.’ — Bruce Haynes in The End of Early Music