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Tag: Telemann

  • The Imperfect Pearl β€” a new project

    I’m very happy to present a new project: The Imperfect Pearl. Next to Isidro Albarreal (baroque violin), InΓ©s Salinas (viola da gamba) and Gabriele Levi, (harpsichord) I founded a new Early Music Ensemble focussed on baroque music of the 18th and 17th century. Have a listen: [divider] [two_columns_one] [/two_columns_one] [two_columns_one_last] [/two_columns_one_last] [divider] What is it…

  • G.Ph. Telemann: Fantasia No. 10 β€” A Tempo giusto

    I’ve always loved this first movement of Telemann’s 10th Fantasia for solo flute. I play it very unrytmically because I feel I can tell its story much better this way. I’m a professional freelance recorder player, so if you are enjoying this video β€” please consider inviting me on a coffee πŸ˜‰ [button link=”https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=STDXAZZJAGPLC” color=”black”…

  • Telemann’s Fantasia NΒΊ 10 – 1st movement

    ☞ Milena Cord-to-Krax, recorder I home-recorded this movement because I have to sell the recorder I’m playing in the audio. Later I thought that it was actually kind of nice (except for a few little things πŸ˜‰ ) and that the photos I took were also not too bad, so… I shared it. β™ͺ