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Tag: Recorder

  • Alto recorder for sale

    Update: Recorder sold! Have a listen: [divider] [two_columns_one] Dear recorder players, I’m selling a baroque alto recorder, made in boxwood, 415 Hz (after Denner) by Joachim Rohmer for 1100€. I bought the instrument in 2011 at the ERTA ibΓ©rica recorder exposition in Madrid. Of all recorders from the Rohmer Recorders workshop I loved this one…

  • Diminutions on Io son ferito ahi lasso β€” A video from 06-02-15

    G.P. da Palestrina & G.B. Bovicelli β€” Io son ferito ahi lasso Milena Cord-to-Krax, recorder | Alejandro Casal, harpsichord Last Friday I played these diminutions from Bovicelli’s treatise Regole, passaggi di musica, madrigali et motetti passeggiati (Venice, 1594). Bovicelli himself was a singer, but they work just as fine as an instrumental version, I think.…

  • Recorder photo shooting 10-01-15

    I had to take some photos of the baroque alto recorder I’m selling, which was fun, so I went on with a renaissance recorder by Bob Marvin and it ended up being a little photo session. The quality may not be the best, I took the photos with a mobile phone πŸ™ The photos of…

  • Telemann’s Fantasia NΒΊ 10 – 1st movement

    ☞ Milena Cord-to-Krax, recorder I home-recorded this movement because I have to sell the recorder I’m playing in the audio. Later I thought that it was actually kind of nice (except for a few little things πŸ˜‰ ) and that the photos I took were also not too bad, so… I shared it. β™ͺ

  • Videos: recital 2013-2014

    Here are three videos of my final recital of the academic year 2013-2014 recorded on June 12, 2014 at Sevilla’s Conservatorio Superior. Beautiful 16th century diminutions: C. de Rore & R. Rogniono β€” Anchor che col partire Milena Cord-to-Krax, recorder (☞ Ganassi Tenor by Monika Musch) Alejandro Casal, organ This diminution is from Riccardo Rogniono’s…

  • Glosas on O felici occhi miei β€” A video from last February’s students concert

    J. Arcadelt & D. Ortiz & M. Cord-to-Krax β€” Recercada II, Diferentia & Recercada III after O felici occhi miei Milena Cord-to-Krax, recorder; Alejandro Casal, harpsichord Last February’s student concert at Seville’s Conservatory was on the topic of 16th century music. I played three different versions of J. Arcadelt’s madrigal O felici occhi miei: the…

  • The story of my Bob Marvin G basset

    I fell in love with this flute the first moment I saw and tried it: the G basset from Bob Marvin’s 8′ consort. Since it’s one note higher than the more common F basset, it is a bit smaller and far more agile. Its sound is beautiful: rich imposing low notes and high notes that…

  • Recorder recital 12-06-13

  • An old woman playing a flute

    [divider] She is so beautiful! I want to get a print of this painting, where can I find it?

  • Pulchra es amica mea β€” A video from last Friday’s student concert

    Last Friday we had our monthly recorder students’ concert at Seville’s Conservatory, whose topic was, this time, 16th century music. I played some beautiful diminutions by the always inventive F. Rognoni on G.P. da Palestrina‘s motet Pulchra es amica mea. The recorder I used is probably my favorite one: a renaissance tenor by recorder maker…