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Tag: Ciconia

  • Three videos from 29-05-15

    François Couperin (1668-1733) — Concert Royal no. 4 Milena Cord-to-Krax, recorder | Ventura Rico, viola da gamba | Alejandro Casal, harpsichord ☞ Voiceflute by Ernst Meyer ❧ Johannes Ciconia (ca. 1370-1412) — Aler m’en veus Milena Cord-to-Krax & Vicente Parrilla, recorders ☞ Renaissance tenor recorders by Bob Marvin ❧ G.P. da Palestrina & G.B. Bovicelli…

  • Aler m’en veus — A video from 17-04-15

    Johannes Ciconia (ca. 1370-1412) — Aler m’en veus Milena Cord-to-Krax, recorder | Johanna Rose, viella Earlier this month, I was lucky to get to perform with excellent viol player Johanna Rose. This piece forms part of a medieval music duo program: La dolçce sere Medieval Italy around 1400: names such as Ciconia or Landini, famous…