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Programs with Vox Tremula

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A Banquet of Musick — English music from the 17th century

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Vox Tremula invites you to an English musical evening of the 17th century, full of variety and personality in rhythm and melodies. We’ll explore the thin line between popular- and art music, adding variations and ornamentations on the original music scores.
For this program we collaborate with percussionist David Ruiz.

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Tres sunt in coelo — Diminutions on motets by T.L. de Victoria, F. Guerrero & A. Lobo

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Vox Tremula Quartet joins together in this project to pay tribute to Alonso Lobo, Francisco Guerrero y Tomás Luis de Victoria, three of the greatest masters of Spanish sacred music. We know, thanks to some treatises, that the ordinary Renaissance practice of embellishing polyphonic music by diminutions, was used as well for sacred music. Through contrasted motets and diminutions by Vox Tremula we try to reflect the brightness, depth and emotion of late Spanish Renaissance music.

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De tous biens playne – Packed with all the good

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Wind. Wood. Medievil. Renaissance. Baroque. Contemporary. Monody. Ars Nova. Ars Subtilior. Counterpoint. Harmony. 3. Bass. Tenor. Cantus. Articulation. Respiration. Rhythm. Air. Vibrato. Fingers. Slow. Quick. Melancholy. Joy. Fantasy. Dance. Sonata. Ballata. Istampitta. Madrigal. Fuga. Complex. Simple. Burgundy. England. Germany. Italy. Spain. Music. Consort. Trio. And the sound of the recorder: pure, direct and sincere.

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Ala spagnola — polyphonic music of the Spanish Renaissance

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Let’s celebrate the ‘golden age’ of Spanish music! In the Renaissance the arts flourish in the Spanish territories, and its music has left us a testimony of beauty which still surprises us after 500 years. You will hear some complex cointerpoint on the one side, and some profane songs, embellished with diminutions, on the other side. [/lightgrey_box] [/two_columns_one_last] [two_columns_one] [lightgrey_box]

Capricci in musica a tre voci — Vincenzo Ruffo & Co.

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