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Month: January 2015

  • Recorder photo shooting 10-01-15

    I had to take some photos of the baroque alto recorder I’m selling, which was fun, so I went on with a renaissance recorder by Bob Marvin and it ended up being a little photo session. The quality may not be the best, I took the photos with a mobile phone πŸ™ The photos of…

  • Telemann’s Fantasia NΒΊ 10 – 1st movement

    ☞ Milena Cord-to-Krax, recorder I home-recorded this movement because I have to sell the recorder I’m playing in the audio. Later I thought that it was actually kind of nice (except for a few little things πŸ˜‰ ) and that the photos I took were also not too bad, so… I shared it. β™ͺ